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Learn, Play and Beyond Staff is required and is mandatory to have valid first aid certification. Our Childcare Centre will have adequate first aid supplies as well.  


A well stocked first aid kit should be available for each area where children are in attendance.  It will include the following items: 

- Tensor bandage

- Medicated soap

- Adhesive bandages

- Triangular bandage

-Adhesive bandages

- Compresses 

- Sterile pads

- Cleaning swabs 

- Thermometer 

- Scissors 

- Tweezers 

- Non-prescription antibiotic ointment 

- Eyewash cup 

- Resuscitation device 

- Rubber gloves 

- An anaphylactic kit on the advice of a medical professional

Learn, Play and Beyond Staff ensure that first aid kit is available and is taken on each excursion. It must contain all of the above items, plus an emergency record form for each child on the trip. 


Learn, Play and Beyond Staff who provides care and supervision of children shall be certified in an *approved First Aid course which includes child and infant CPR. Re-certification is to take place within 1 month of expiry. 


Accidents will be dealt with in according to regulations:

1. A written log of all injuries including bumps, bruises and small cuts shall be kept and the parents informed.  This log will document at least the following:


-Time of day 

- Child's full name

- How it was treated. 

- Follow-up if any 

- Staff attending the injury

- What happened

- Parent signature

2. Any injury which requires medical care must be copied to the Child Care Services Unit and to the parent/guardian.



Learn, Play and Beyond ensures the safety of your child when medication needs to be administered. We allow the administration of medication to the child per the following regulations:

1. The written consent of the child’s parents has been obtained


2. Medication must be dispensed from the original container labelled with the child’s name, physician’s name, mode of administration and any other directions according to the label.


3. Follow the nine rights of medication administration

- Right patient

- Right route

- Right reason

- Right medication

- Right time

- Right response

- Right dose

- Right documentation

- Right expiration

If your child requires Prescription Medication to be administered in our centre, a Medication Administration Form will need to be filled out and signed by the Parent/Guardian.


Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will administer Emergency Medications that are required for allergic reaction.  However, Parents/Guardians must inform the Staff of possible allergies. This information is to be recorded in the child’s registration form file.  A letter from the child’s physician with information pertaining to the allergy, symptoms of allergic reaction, medication required, dose to be administered, how often to administer medication, will be required for the child’s file.  The medication must be in the original container with the child’s name on it.


The Parent/Guardian will also need to fill out and sign an Emergency Medication Form


Parents can come to the daycare and administer medication to their child in the presence of a regular staff member. (Event will be recorded in the communication book.)

Learn Play and Beyond will ensure that the name of medication, time of administration, amount administered and initials of the person who administered are all recorded.

Medication will be stored in a locked container inaccessible to the children and emergency medication will not be locked but will be inaccessible to children.



Learn, Play and Beyond will always maintain on our program premises the up-to date administrative records which contain the following information:

  1. Daily attendance of each child, including arrival and departure times 

  2. Daily attendance of each primary staff member, including 

  3. Arrival and departure times,

  4. Hours spent providing child care; 

  5. Proof of the supervisor’s or member’s child care certification, current CPR/First

  6. Aid Certificate, current criminal record check that includes vulnerable Sector


Learn, Play and Beyond must ensure that all records are available for inspection by the director at all times, are available for inspection by the child’s parent at reasonable times, and are retained for a minimum period of 2 years. 


Learn, Play and Beyond provides a safe and nurturing environment. The following policies and strategies will be implemented with the underlying principle that all children will be treated with respect and kindness.  Our daycare staff’s behaviour will be at all times be gentle and courteous with age-appropriate explanations.


We will combine setting limits, providing positive guidance, consistency and assurance to make the children feel loved, regardless of their behaviour, are our behaviour management strategies.


At all times, Learn, Play and Beyond staff is aware that they act as leading example or role models for the children. Accordingly, they engage in positive social behavior, respecting the stage of the children’s development.  Positive messages are used when guiding children’s behavior


Learn, Play and Beyond staff will use “active listening” to acknowledge children’s feelings and frustrations and respond quickly and calmly to situations that require guidance. 


Our Staff will observe and assess the environment and individual children to anticipate situations and prevent problems by structuring space, materials, schedule, cleanup and transitions thus, providing a healthy, safe and developmentally appropriate environment that supports and encourages children’s exploration and positive interactions.


Written policies on child guidance practices must be developed and shared with staff and parents or guardians.  No form of physical punishment, verbal or emotional abuse or denial of physical necessities of any child can be permitted, practiced or inflicted. 


Learn, Play and Beyond will always maintain on our program premises an up-to-date record containing the following information:

  1. Child’s name, date of birth and home address

  2. Completed Enrollment Form

  3. Parent’s name, home address and Telephone Number

  4. Name, Address and Telephone Number of a person who can be contacted in case of Emergency


If medication is administered, the particulars of any health care provided to the child, including the written consent of the child’s parent required and any other relevant health information about the child provided by the child’s parent, including the child’s immunizations and allergies, if any. 

Learn, Play and Beyond will ensure that all records are available for inspection by the director at all times and by the child’s parent at reasonable times.


Learn, Play and Beyond will do the following:

  1. An emergency plan will be posted with emergency procedures, phone numbers and evacuation routes. 

  2. Ensure regular monthly drills of emergency procedures.  A record will be kept of these drills that include the date, the time of day, the number of children, staff who participated, the time taken to evacuate the building and any other particulars of the drill.

  3. Ensure Staff have valid first aid and CPR certification. 

  4. Ensure the Centre is stocked with First aid supplies. 

  5. Ensure Emergency records are up to date and available. 

  6. Ensure compliance of policies for notifying parents. 

  7. Ensure compliance of policies for reporting injuries.  

  8. Ensure Emergency equipment is available. 

  9. Emergency transportation. Plans for specific emergency situations, including injury or illness of staff or children, posted. 

  10. Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will check the floor plan of our facility showing evacuation route and all exits. (See attached diagram of evacuation exit)

  11. Learn, Play and Beyond Staff are equipped with knowledge and skills on how to physically remove all the children from the building (i.e. How many children will each person be responsible for?  How are infants to be carried Out?).  In the winter, keep blankets near an exit to wrap around children as there will not be enough time to put on snowsuits. 

  12. Learn, Play and Beyond will designate one person to call the fire department and will post the floor plan and emergency plan in a conspicuous location (in each room of our child care centre). 

  13. Learn, Play and Beyond will keep daily attendance records in a readily accessible consistent place. 

  14. Learn, Play and Beyond will consult local fire department for assistance in emergency procedures and plans. 

  15. Learn, Play and Beyond will establish procedures for dealing with sick or injured children and staff.  

  16. Learn, Play and Beyond will designate staff responsibilities for notifying parents, attending the child, and transporting sick or injured party. 

  17. Learn, Play and Beyond will post in a prominent location and ensure all staff are properly trained in carrying out this procedure. 


Learn, Play and Beyond EMERGENCY PLAN includes: 

  1. Staff responsibilities in an emergency.  

  2. Fire evacuation routes.  

  3. Emergency accommodation.  

  4. Emergency transportation. 

  5. Parents need to sign permission forms for emergency treatment and transportation. 

  6. Name and phone numbers of emergency back up caregiver(s).


Children sometimes injure themselves or get into an altercation with another child. We will take all precautions to avoid this possibility.  In the event of a minor accident/incident, the child will be comforted and First Aid Treatment (only if there is written consent from the child’s Parent on the registration form) will be provided if necessary.  Parents will be called if deemed necessary by the Director. If not, the person picking up the child will be informed of the occurrence. The accident/incident will be recorded in the child’s file and the parents/guardians of the child will be asked to review the record and sign it. If a serious accident, injury, or illness occurs, an ambulance will be called immediately.  Parents or emergency contact person(s) will be informed as soon as possible. As stated in the signed consent area of the child’s registration form, Parents/guardians will be responsible for any expense associated with emergency care e.g.: ambulance costs etc. 


Any serious injury, accident, or incident (injury requiring medical attention, lost child) will be reported to Alberta Children and Youth Services (Licensing).


Learn, Play and Beyond Staff are required to immediately report any incident listed below that occurs while a child is attending the program or any other incident that occurs while a child is attending the program that may seriously affect the health or safety of the child.  An initial report may be made by telephone to local Child and Family Services’ licensing office.  Within 2 days of the incident’s occurrence, an incident Report Form must be completed and submitted to the local Licensing Office


The following incidents must be reported:

  1. An emergency evacuation

  2. Unexpected program closure

  3. An intruder on the program’s premises

  4. An illness or injury to a child that requires the program to request emergency health care and/or requires the child to remain in hospital overnight

  5. An error in the administration of a medication by a program staff or volunteer resulting in the child becoming seriously injured or ill and requiring first aid, emergency health care or requiring the child to remain in hospital overnight

  6. Death of the child

  7. An unexpected absence of a child from the program (lost child)

  8. A child removed from the program by a non-custodial parent or guardian

  9. Allegation of physical, sexual, emotional abuse and/or neglect of a child by a program staff member or volunteer; the commission by a child of an offence under an Act of Canada or Alberta; and/or a child left on the premises outside of the program’s operating hours.

  10. The commission by a child of an offence under  an Act of Canada or Alberta.

  11. A child left on the premises outside of the program’s operating hours.


Learn, Play and Beyond must always ensure that:

 (a) the manner on which children are fed is appropriate to their age and level of development, 


 (b) children are seated while eating and drinking, and 


 (c) no beverages are provided to children while they are napping. 


Learn, Play and Beyond provides nutritious daily lunches and snacks prepared on-site.  Learn, Play and Beyond will hold valid Food Handlers Certificates.  The menus follow the Canada Food Guide standards and are reviewed and approved regularly by a local registered dietitian.

Learn, Play and Beyond Staff shall ensure that all children have a morning, mid-day or evening meal that includes at least a serving from each of the following four (4) food groups:


  1. Grain Products including breads, cereals, pasta, rice and bannock. 

  2. Milk, Bone and Milk Products including cheese and yogurt, fish with crushed bones, such as canned salmon.

  3. Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries.

  4. Meat, Fish, Birds, Eggs and Alternatives, including beans, nuts, tofu and nut butters.


A mid morning, mid afternoon or mid evening nutritional snack must be supplied that includes at least one serving from each of the two (2) food groups for children in attendance at those times.  School age children must be supplied with an afterschool snack as above. 

Foods high in sugar, salt, fats and/or nitrates are to be used in moderation and never to replace foods from the 4 food groups. 

All foods shall be prepared, stored and served under sanitary conditions. 

An adequate supply of potable water shall always be available to children. 

Foods supplied from home shall be stored and served under sanitary conditions.  Items which may be perishable within the time they were prepared, and intended to be eaten, shall be refrigerated.   Learn, Play and Beyond shall ensure such foods are stored correctly.

Foods may be supplied from home but our childcare centre has final responsibility to ensure that they are in accordance with these guidelines. 

 Infants must eat and drink according to their own individual schedule/demands.  A consistent adult figure shall be maintained whenever possible. 

Menus must be posted and followed and kept on file for three months. If foods are supplied from home a checklist must be maintained to ensure that all requirements are met.  

Any foods that are supplemented by our program will be recorded and be kept on file.

Children's food allergies, food limitations, and special diets are given consideration on an individual basis. If a child is unable to eat any of the menu items being prepared for the day, the family is responsible for providing a replacement. For consistency, we ask that the family provide an alternate menu item that is similar to the meal item being substituted (Example: if a child is vegetarian and cannot eat the beef barley soup, it is expected that the family will provide vegetable soup for the child).

Learn, Play and Beyond menus rotate on a 5-week basis. Our summer menu runs from June to October and the winter menu runs from October to June.

Each menu offers some favourites plus some interesting textures and tastes.

We are always open to suggestions for menu ideas!

Example of our weekly menu plan:


Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will advise child’s parent of the activity, including the transportation and supervision arrangements with respect to the activity. Our Staff will inform child’s parents few weeks prior of the said activity through phone call, letter, and etc.

Each child must have written parental permission before he/she can participate in the activity. The parent permission letter will include the destination, method of transportation, date, time of departure and return to the Center, requirement of appropriate clothing/ necessities such as sunscreen, hat, snow pants etc.


Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will inform the children where they are going and what will happen, whom they will see and who they will need to listen to. Enough information will be given to help the children feel secure and comfortable but not too much to spoil the experience.  


Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will plan with the children and set up experiences in the Center that will enhance the off -site activity i.e.: begin a documentation panel, practice safety rules etc. 


Safety rules will be discussed with the Staff, volunteers and children e.g.: designated meeting area, children must stay with the adult and group in which they were assigned. Only if ALL Staff and adults are aware, will a child groups.  Attendance will be taken BEFORE the group leaves the Center.


  • All adults attending the trip will be equipped with either a cell phone or a two-way radio so if the group gets separated, adults can still communicate. 

  • All Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will have a valid First Aid Certificate, including those staying behind at the Center.  

  • Each Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will be responsible for a group and will carry a backpack containing the following:  

    1. emergency medication (if any required)

    2. first aid kit

    3. portable emergency information for both Staff and children. (also during emergency evacuations)

    4. emergency change of clothing


Learn, Play and Beyond will always maintain a portable record of emergency information including the following:

  1. Children’s records

  2. Telephone numbers of Local Emergency Response and Poison Control Centre


Learn, Play and Beyond Staff will greet each child and discuss with the Parent any health problems or symptoms.  The Parent is responsible for informing the Staff of any medications being administered at home in case of a reaction during the day (there is also a reminder on the attendance form).  The Parent is also responsible for informing the Staff of any recent injury or accident that may influence their child’s behavior and/or health. 

Parents are required to keep their child home if he/she is displaying any of the symptoms listed below.  Therefore, it is extremely important that parents arrange a backup plan should their child become ill.  This is for the protection of the other individuals on the program premises and it is now a Day Care Licensing Regulation:

  1. Fever of 38 degrees C or higher (especially if the temperature is high or persistent.)

  2. Diarrhea/Vomiting (two or more episodes in the past 24 hours). 

  3. Undiagnosed rash/skin condition. 

  4. Communicable disease (other than mild respiratory tract infection) such as: Hepatitis A, Impetigo, Measles, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Pink Eye, Rubella, Scabies, Head Lice (nits), Strep Throat, Tuberculosis, Chicken Pox (children can return when they feel well enough to participate in all activities, including outdoor activities). 

  5. Obviously infected nasal discharge/mucus (thick and colored eg: green or brown).

  6. Lethargy and irritability.

  7. Persistent pain (ear ache).

  8. Severe cough (especially if gagging or vomiting occurs). 


 A receiving Learn, Play and Beyond Staff member, who notices any of the above symptoms when a child arrives, will ask the Parent or the person dropping the child off, to take the child home or to a doctor for a note confirming that the child’s health is not infectious. 

 ***NOTE: If your child is not feeling well enough to attend school or participate in ALL Day Care activities (e.g.: going outside) it is requested that your child be kept at home.  Please do not ask our Staff to keep your child inside.  This is not an option as we need to adhere to Child/Staff ratio at all times.  A child’s illness can result in greater care needed than the Day Care Staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children. 


  If a child begins to display any of the symptoms listed above, at the Child Care, the Parents or Emergency Contact Person(s) listed on the registration form will be called to pick the child up. Health Care will be provided to a child only if there is written consent from a Parent or if health care provided in the nature of first aid.  A sick child will be removed from his/her group to relax in the quiet atmosphere of the office, with the supervision of the Director until the Parents or Emergency Contact People arrive to pick the child up. Any child that was removed from the program due to illness, will not be permitted to return until the Program Director is satisfied that the child no longer poses a health risk to other persons on the program premises. Acceptable evidence may include the child is symptom free for at least 24 hours or the Parent has a physician’s note stating the child is not contagious. 


  Learn, Play and Beyond will record and document any children/staff that are ill including:

  1. individual’s name, 

  2. date the individual was observed to be ill

  3. name of the staff member that identified the individual to be ill

  4. time the parent was contacted,

  5. name of the staff person that contacted the parent

  6. time the child was removed from the center 

  7. date the child returned to the program. 


Any two individuals that attend the program displaying two of the same symptoms will be reported to Alberta Health Services.  Please note: Parents will have 2 hours from initial notification from the Child Care to arrange for pick up of the ill child. It is the Parent’s responsibility to arrange for a back up plan prior to any illness to avoid any issues that may arise. Any Parent that fails to arrange for immediate removal of a sick child may be asked to leave the program as a result of not complying. This is a serious matter and a Child Care Regulation and all Parents are expected to comply. 

 Individuals Who Have Not Been Immunized 


It is the parent’s choice whether to immunize their children.  However, should there be an outbreak of disease, our Child Care Centre will not be held responsible should a child become ill with a disease that would have been prevented through immunization. Should there be an outbreak of disease, any child that has not been immunized will be absent from our program until the threat of exposure has passed.


We provide a smoke free environment in our centre. In order to maintain our regulation, we ensure that no person smokes on the program premises and no staff member shall smoke at any time where child care is being provided.


If a child is sick and needs to be sent home, he or she will need to have a place to rest until someone arrives to pick them up.  This will need to be an area separate from the other children where they can be comfortable and lie down if they wish.  One of our Child care Centre Staff will be with the sick child, until the parent arrives. 


Any bedding used for the sick child must be laundered and any mats washed and sanitized.


A child who is sick is not to be in attendance at the child care centre. 


  • All children upon arrival or departure must be marked in or out on the daily attendance sheet, indicating the time of arrival or departure.  This must be done at the time when the child is released from the parent/guardian to the receiving staff upon arrival or from the supervising staff to the parent/guardian upon departure.

  • All children who attend school, upon arrival or departure to school, must be marked in or out on the daily attendance, in addition to the recording of daily arrival and departure at the centre.

  • Daily attendance sheets must also record all children that are absent, on vacation, or absent due to illness.

  • Attendance clipboards are to be kept with each group of children at all times.

  • When beginning a shift, a staff must confirm verbally with the supervising staff on duty, the number of children in attendance and check this against the attendance clipboard. This same procedure must be completed when leaving or returning from breaks, lunches, etc.

  • Head counts of children are to be completed on a frequent basis throughout the day, minimally 2 to 3 times per hour.  Head counts are to be checked against the attendance clipboard.

  • Head counts must be completed before and after a transition with a group of children from one activity area to another (e.g. Playroom to Playground). 

  • In addition to headcount, when a group of children are in transition from one activity area to another, staff must retain close visual supervision of the children at all times during the transition (e.g. Children should not run ahead of the group).

  • All completed attendance sheets must be kept on file.

  • In some cases, special considerations/procedures are put in place to ensure supervision of specific children. Our Childcare Center Supervisor/Designate will outline any special considerations/procedures currently in place at the location. special considerations for supervision of children, if staff are moved to another group, or to another centre.

  • A daily record indicating arrivals, departures and absences helps to establish a rapid and accurate account of all children in the event of an emergency. Maintaining attendance records, in conjunction with constant supervision skills, is critical in ensuring the safety and well being of the children in our care.

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